You may or may not be aware, I have been promoting chess in Hoboken for many years now. I am proud to say I have taught over 6000 children how to play the greatest of
In this
time we have been to 60 tournaments, where I am very, very proud to say we have championed not only in a few, not many,
but in ALL of them! Including 9 titles as New Jersey State Champions in
a row.
The Hoboken Chess Club has been featured in numerous newspapers and have been covered on the local television networks
a few times for these outstanding successes. And just recently the City of Hoboken had a dedication
in my honor and dedicated 3 chess tables at Church Square Park to myself and our program. And in the near future our community chess program
will be featured in the most respectful way by the New York times.
I have volunteered in this community in organizations such as the Boys & Girls Club, The Hoboken Library,
The Hoboken Family Alliance, The Hoboken Housing authority, The Police department, National night out, The Hoboken Recreation
department, Coaching Baseball, Basketball and Soccer, to name a few and was given a special award At DeBaun auditorium in
front of a few hundred or so community members as A community hero, An honor I am most proud of.
However, my biggest joy is teaching children how to play for the first time, which I truly believe I excel more
so then in my outstanding tournament record!
We will be expanding throughout HUDSON COUNTY!
Peter Croce