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2. Endgames.
[edit] Philidor's position, rook and pawn versus rook
Philidor position, 1777
White is defending the Philidor position, and draws.
The diagram shows an example of Philidor's position. The important characteristics of the position are (from the point
of view of the defender):
- the defending king (White in this diagram) is on the queening square of the pawn (or adjacent to it). The pawn can be
on any file.
- the opposing pawn has not yet reached the defender's third rank (its sixth rank).
- the opposing king is beyond the defender's third rank.
- the defender's rook is on the third rank, keeping the opposing king off that rank.
Black would like to get his king to the e3 square and threaten checkmate to force the white king away from the queening square of the pawn, e1. The white rook on the third rank prevents that. If
Black checks with the rook from the side, White simply keeps the king in front of the pawn by alternating between squares
e1 and e2. If Black offers an exchange of rooks White should take it, since the resulting king and pawn endgame is drawn (see
King and pawn versus king endgame).
So Black's only chance of progress is to advance the pawn. The basic idea is for the defender to keep his rook on his third
rank until the pawn advances to that rank, then check the opposing king from behind. Here is a possible continuation:
- 1. ... Rb2
- 2. Rc3 Ra2
- 3. Rb3 e3
Black plans to move Kf3, then if he is unopposed, checkmate with the rook or advance the pawn. (A passive defense does
not work.)
- 4. Rb8!
Since now Black's king can not move to e3, it is safe to move the rook away to the far end of the board (the defender's
seventh or eighth rank). Note that 4.Rb4+ (??) loses immediately to 4...Kf3 when black will checkmate or force the exchange
of rooks followed by Kf2 and promotion of the pawn.
- 4. ... Kf3
- 5. Rf8+ Ke4
- 6. Re8+
The black king can not hide from the checks without giving up the pawn; nor can he approach the rook:
- 6. ... Kf4
- 7. Rf8+ Ke5
- 8. Re8+
The defender's rook must be on his seventh or eighth rank for this defense to work.
To sum up the defense: the defender should keep his king in front of the opposing pawn and keep his rook on the third rank
until the pawn advances to that rank, then go to the far end of the board (the seventh or eighth rank) and check the king
from behind. If the attacker tries to get his king to his sixth rank by moving his rook to that rank first to block the checks,
the defender simply exchanges rooks and has a drawn king and pawn versus king endgame.
Lucena position
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- This article uses algebraic notation to describe chess moves.
The Lucena position, White wins.
3. Openings &
Game colections;
The Modern defense.
Andres Castaneda vs Miro Reverby Pawn Eater 2005 ·
Sicilian Defense: Hyperaccelerated Dragon (B35) · 0-1
Game |
Result |
Moves |
Year |
Event/Locale |
Opening |
3. M Reverby vs A Ivanov |
1-0 |
32 |
2005 |
Rhode Island State Championship |
B06 Robatsch |
Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 12.h4 (B79) 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 Nc3 g6 6 Be3 Bg7 7 f3 O-O
8 Qd2 Nc6 9 Bc4 Bd7 10 O-O-O Qa5 11 Bb3 Rfc8 12 h4 |
Number of games
in database: 46 Years covered: 1966 to 2007 Overall record: White wins 41.3% Black
wins 34.8% Draws 23.9%
Popularity graph, by decade |
3. View These Games.
7214. R Tancsa vs A Veszpremi |
1-0 |
26 |
2005 |
Marx Gyorgy Open |
B79 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 12.h4 |
7215. A Mista vs L Cernousek |
1-0 |
39 |
2006 |
Brno Chess Festival |
B79 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 12.h4 |
7216. Areshchenko vs Y Kuzubov |
½-½ |
12 |
2006 |
15th Monarch Assurance |
B79 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 12.h4 |
7217. E Krivoborodov vs D Baratosi |
½-½ |
37 |
2006 |
European Youth
Championship |
B79 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack, 12.h4 |
7218. P Smirnov vs D Chuprov |
Caro-Kann (B10) 1 e4 c6
Number of games in database: 2404 Years covered:
1883 to 2009 Overall record: White wins 39.4% Black
wins 24.2% Draws 36.4%
Popularity graph, by decade
With the White Pieces |
With the Black Pieces |
French Defense (C00) 1 e4 e6
Number of games in database: 3088 Years covered:
1620 to 2009 Overall record: White wins 41.3% Black
wins 32.5% Draws 26.1%
Popularity graph, by decade
With the White Pieces |
With the Black Pieces |
Queen's Gambit Declined (D06) 1
d4 d5 2 c4 |
Number of games in database: 424 Years covered:
1620 to 2009 Overall record: White wins 57.8% Black
wins 20.3% Draws 21.9%
Popularity graph, by decade
With the White Pieces |
With the Black Pieces |
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